Saturday, October 13, 2007.
Calidear recently got into some PERSONAL(***E) problems.I said that's her personal life and i'm keeping my hands out of it.Cuz that's a really serious thing.Oh well...GoOD LuCk to your life,CALIDEAR!!!!
The Sweetness of luv ; 6:36 PM.
Omg!I am going with my friends to take the...umm..PRETTY PIX!!!!I am going with Serene,Joanna and ..umm..her friends.Which i am not taking with.I'd never take with friends before,that's why i'm so happy.It is tomorrow,on monday15/oct/2007<3.yipee!!yay!!(hehe)
~L-O-V-E Em'!~
Labels: decorating nice pretty
The Sweetness of luv ; 6:15 PM.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007.
Zanessa roxs ma' world!Rock on!!(The luv they shared)..
The Sweetness of luv ; 3:13 AM.
Now it's time to RELAX!!I can do whatever i want...NO STRESS!!OMG!!Although Psle's over,BUT..The results are not out YET!!So...I'm feeling scared!HEHE
The Sweetness of luv ; 12:42 AM.
Monday, October 8, 2007.
Sometimes,i don't what's wrong with Cali.i can't help it.She's always so into ming zhen!she did'nt even cared bout' my feelings!i felt hopeless sometimes!i said to her that i won't be angry with her cuz it's just to make her happy.Actually,..i feel sad inside.fine..i can't go on anymore...-end-
The Sweetness of luv ; 7:44 PM.
Psle's finally over!The stress and everything is over!Even my mum can relax a little.Now waiting for the good results.Omg!so scared.
The Sweetness of luv ; 7:39 PM.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
YAY!TOday is my BIRTHDAY!I'm 12th This YEAR!I'm kinda afraid of my PSLE,but also happy.Anyway,TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!I have a beautiful cake and a nice celebration.-end-
The Sweetness of luv ; 6:14 AM.